

About Scott Karstens

Scott Karstens is the Founder and CEO of Broker Backoffice and Quote Bot. Scott has been in the Insurance and Financial Services industry since 2001 based out of Colorado. With more than 20 years of experience and success in the insurance and financial services industry, Scott is an insurance planning and business development expert. His personal attention to detail, passion for the betterment of the insurance industry, and the engagement of his team are key drivers for Scott’s success. Scott's focus for Quote Bot is building a platform for consumers that allows them to quote, customize and buy life insurance without needing to stop and talk with an agent. He has put his experience to work providing not only a quote process to make this possible, but also providing well-thought-out solutions designed to take the guesswork out of your life insurance planning. To Scott, providing life insurance planning solutions for both personal and business needs is extremely important and his focus is on empowering the consumer to buy what they want without an agent. Aside from his duties with Broker Backoffice, LLC., and Quote Bot, Scott mentors Elementary and Middle School kids through his sports program, helping them develop important life skills, teamwork, and work ethic. Scott is also married and has an amazing wife and three amazing children.

Estate Planning: The State Taxation of High Estates

Do you remember the saying, “Nothing is guaranteed but death and taxes”?  When it comes to estate planning, many people may think they don’t have enough money to worry about estate planning or how to best leave behind an inheritance for their loved ones. What many don’t consider is the tax implications of those inheritances. This can be particularly important in states with high estate taxes—like Hawaii and Washington—where the top rate of taxation on estates is 20%.  While not every state has an Inheritance or Estate tax, around 16 states do.  And in some states taxation begins on every dollar above $1,000,000.  Life insurance can help you smartly plan for this expense.

By |2023-03-04T19:49:01-07:00November 15th, 2022|Life Insurance|

Planificación Patrimonial: La fiscalidad estatal de los patrimonios elevados

¿Recuerda el dicho "Nada está garantizado salvo la muerte y los impuestos"? Cuando se trata de planificar el patrimonio, muchas personas pueden pensar que no tienen suficiente dinero para preocuparse de la planificación patrimonial o de cómo dejar la mejor herencia posible a sus seres queridos. Lo que muchos no tienen en cuenta son las implicaciones fiscales de esas herencias. Esto puede ser especialmente importante en estados con elevados impuestos sobre el patrimonio -como Hawai y Washington-, donde el tipo impositivo máximo es del 20%. Aunque no todos los estados tienen un impuesto de sucesiones o sobre el patrimonio, unos 16 estados sí lo tienen. Y en algunos estados se empieza a tributar por cada dólar por encima de 1.000.000 de dólares. El seguro de vida puede ayudarle a planificar inteligentemente este gasto.

By |2023-03-17T21:02:12-07:00November 15th, 2022|Seguro de vida|
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