Missing a premium is an important thing to know about and thankfully there are programs in place to help notify you if you do miss a payment. Typically you have around a 30-day grace period to make your payment. The insurance company will email you but may send you paper mail, making you aware of the payment issue and giving you instructions on how to resolve it. If you do not make a payment during the Grace Period, you will have to go through underwriting again to keep your coverage.
About the Author: Scott Karstens
Scott Karstens is the Founder and CEO of Broker Backoffice and Quote Bot. Scott has been in the Insurance and Financial Services industry since 2001 based out of Colorado. With more than 20 years of experience and success in the insurance and financial services industry, Scott is an insurance planning and business development expert. His personal attention to detail, passion for the betterment of the insurance industry, and the engagement of his team are key drivers for Scott’s success.
Scott's focus for Quote Bot is building a platform for consumers that allows them to quote, customize and buy life insurance without needing to stop and talk with an agent. He has put his experience to work providing not only a quote process to make this possible, but also providing well-thought-out solutions designed to take the guesswork out of your life insurance planning. To Scott, providing life insurance planning solutions for both personal and business needs is extremely important and his focus is on empowering the consumer to buy what they want without an agent.
Aside from his duties with Broker Backoffice, LLC., and Quote Bot, Scott mentors Elementary and Middle School kids through his sports program, helping them develop important life skills, teamwork, and work ethic. Scott is also married and has an amazing wife and three amazing children.
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