

About Scott Karstens

Scott Karstens is the Founder and CEO of Broker Backoffice and Quote Bot. Scott has been in the Insurance and Financial Services industry since 2001 based out of Colorado. With more than 20 years of experience and success in the insurance and financial services industry, Scott is an insurance planning and business development expert. His personal attention to detail, passion for the betterment of the insurance industry, and the engagement of his team are key drivers for Scott’s success. Scott's focus for Quote Bot is building a platform for consumers that allows them to quote, customize and buy life insurance without needing to stop and talk with an agent. He has put his experience to work providing not only a quote process to make this possible, but also providing well-thought-out solutions designed to take the guesswork out of your life insurance planning. To Scott, providing life insurance planning solutions for both personal and business needs is extremely important and his focus is on empowering the consumer to buy what they want without an agent. Aside from his duties with Broker Backoffice, LLC., and Quote Bot, Scott mentors Elementary and Middle School kids through his sports program, helping them develop important life skills, teamwork, and work ethic. Scott is also married and has an amazing wife and three amazing children.

Foster families and life insurance: What you need to know

Are drivers losing the ability to decide where to get their cars fixed? That’s what proponents of right to repair legislation believe. They say automakers are making it increasingly difficult for independent repair shops to access the vehicle data they need to do their jobs, forcing drivers to rely solely on dealer-owned repair shops. This could raise the cost of repairing and insuring cars.

By |2023-02-25T10:03:43-07:00December 2nd, 2022|Life Insurance|

Proteger sus tesoros: Seguro de vida para familias con hijos adoptados

Adoptar un niño es una experiencia increíblemente gratificante, pero también conlleva su buena dosis de responsabilidades. Como padre, tu trabajo es proporcionar amor y seguridad a tu hijo, y una de las mejores formas de hacerlo es contratar un seguro de vida. Pero, ¿qué pasa con las familias que han adoptado niños? ¿Sigue siendo una opción el seguro de vida? La respuesta es sí. Veamos por qué es tan importante un seguro de vida para familias con hijos adoptados.

By |2023-03-17T23:25:59-07:00December 2nd, 2022|Seguro de vida|

Protecting Your Treasures: Life Insurance for Families with Adopted Children

Adopting a child is an incredibly rewarding experience, but it also comes with its fair share of responsibilities. As a parent, it’s your job to provide love and security for your child, and one of the best ways to do this is by getting life insurance. But what about families who have adopted children? Is life insurance still an option? The answer is yes—so let’s take a closer look at why life insurance for families with adopted children is so important.

By |2023-03-07T07:45:07-07:00December 2nd, 2022|Life Insurance|

Seguro de vida para abuelos que crían a sus nietos

¿Están perdiendo los conductores la capacidad de decidir dónde arreglar sus coches? Eso es lo que creen los defensores del derecho a reparar. Dicen que los fabricantes de automóviles están dificultando cada vez más el acceso de los talleres independientes a los datos de los vehículos que necesitan para hacer su trabajo, lo que obliga a los conductores a depender exclusivamente de los talleres de los concesionarios. Esto podría aumentar el coste de reparar y asegurar los coches.

By |2023-03-17T21:02:14-07:00December 1st, 2022|Seguro de vida|

Life Insurance for Grandparent Raising Grandchildren

Are drivers losing the ability to decide where to get their cars fixed? That’s what proponents of right to repair legislation believe. They say automakers are making it increasingly difficult for independent repair shops to access the vehicle data they need to do their jobs, forcing drivers to rely solely on dealer-owned repair shops. This could raise the cost of repairing and insuring cars.

By |2022-12-22T22:05:12-07:00December 1st, 2022|Life Insurance|

Seguro de vida para familias con dos padres

¿Están perdiendo los conductores la capacidad de decidir dónde arreglar sus coches? Eso es lo que creen los defensores del derecho a reparar. Dicen que los fabricantes de automóviles están dificultando cada vez más el acceso de los talleres independientes a los datos de los vehículos que necesitan para hacer su trabajo, lo que obliga a los conductores a depender exclusivamente de los talleres de los concesionarios. Esto podría aumentar el coste de reparar y asegurar los coches.

By |2023-03-17T21:02:13-07:00December 1st, 2022|Seguro de vida|

Life Insurance For Families with Two Dads

Are drivers losing the ability to decide where to get their cars fixed? That’s what proponents of right to repair legislation believe. They say automakers are making it increasingly difficult for independent repair shops to access the vehicle data they need to do their jobs, forcing drivers to rely solely on dealer-owned repair shops. This could raise the cost of repairing and insuring cars.

By |2022-12-22T22:05:12-07:00December 1st, 2022|Life Insurance|

Proteger el futuro: Seguro de vida para familias bimaternales

¿Están perdiendo los conductores la capacidad de decidir dónde arreglar sus coches? Eso es lo que creen los defensores del derecho a reparar. Dicen que los fabricantes de automóviles están dificultando cada vez más el acceso de los talleres independientes a los datos de los vehículos que necesitan para hacer su trabajo, lo que obliga a los conductores a depender exclusivamente de los talleres de los concesionarios. Esto podría aumentar el coste de reparar y asegurar los coches.

By |2023-03-17T23:25:55-07:00December 1st, 2022|Seguro de vida|

Protecting the Future: Life Insurance for Families with Two Moms

Are drivers losing the ability to decide where to get their cars fixed? That’s what proponents of right to repair legislation believe. They say automakers are making it increasingly difficult for independent repair shops to access the vehicle data they need to do their jobs, forcing drivers to rely solely on dealer-owned repair shops. This could raise the cost of repairing and insuring cars.

By |2022-12-22T22:05:12-07:00December 1st, 2022|Life Insurance|
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