
Life Insurance

Foster families and life insurance: What you need to know

Are drivers losing the ability to decide where to get their cars fixed? That’s what proponents of right to repair legislation believe. They say automakers are making it increasingly difficult for independent repair shops to access the vehicle data they need to do their jobs, forcing drivers to rely solely on dealer-owned repair shops. This could raise the cost of repairing and insuring cars.

By |2023-02-25T10:03:43-07:00December 2nd, 2022|Life Insurance|

Protecting Your Treasures: Life Insurance for Families with Adopted Children

Adopting a child is an incredibly rewarding experience, but it also comes with its fair share of responsibilities. As a parent, it’s your job to provide love and security for your child, and one of the best ways to do this is by getting life insurance. But what about families who have adopted children? Is life insurance still an option? The answer is yes—so let’s take a closer look at why life insurance for families with adopted children is so important.

By |2023-03-07T07:45:07-07:00December 2nd, 2022|Life Insurance|

Life Insurance for Grandparent Raising Grandchildren

Are drivers losing the ability to decide where to get their cars fixed? That’s what proponents of right to repair legislation believe. They say automakers are making it increasingly difficult for independent repair shops to access the vehicle data they need to do their jobs, forcing drivers to rely solely on dealer-owned repair shops. This could raise the cost of repairing and insuring cars.

By |2022-12-22T22:05:12-07:00December 1st, 2022|Life Insurance|

Life Insurance For Families with Two Dads

Are drivers losing the ability to decide where to get their cars fixed? That’s what proponents of right to repair legislation believe. They say automakers are making it increasingly difficult for independent repair shops to access the vehicle data they need to do their jobs, forcing drivers to rely solely on dealer-owned repair shops. This could raise the cost of repairing and insuring cars.

By |2022-12-22T22:05:12-07:00December 1st, 2022|Life Insurance|

Protecting the Future: Life Insurance for Families with Two Moms

Are drivers losing the ability to decide where to get their cars fixed? That’s what proponents of right to repair legislation believe. They say automakers are making it increasingly difficult for independent repair shops to access the vehicle data they need to do their jobs, forcing drivers to rely solely on dealer-owned repair shops. This could raise the cost of repairing and insuring cars.

By |2022-12-22T22:05:12-07:00December 1st, 2022|Life Insurance|

Estate Planning: The State Taxation of High Estates

Do you remember the saying, “Nothing is guaranteed but death and taxes”?  When it comes to estate planning, many people may think they don’t have enough money to worry about estate planning or how to best leave behind an inheritance for their loved ones. What many don’t consider is the tax implications of those inheritances. This can be particularly important in states with high estate taxes—like Hawaii and Washington—where the top rate of taxation on estates is 20%.  While not every state has an Inheritance or Estate tax, around 16 states do.  And in some states taxation begins on every dollar above $1,000,000.  Life insurance can help you smartly plan for this expense.

By |2023-03-04T19:49:01-07:00November 15th, 2022|Life Insurance|
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