

About Scott Karstens

Scott Karstens is the Founder and CEO of Broker Backoffice and Quote Bot. Scott has been in the Insurance and Financial Services industry since 2001 based out of Colorado. With more than 20 years of experience and success in the insurance and financial services industry, Scott is an insurance planning and business development expert. His personal attention to detail, passion for the betterment of the insurance industry, and the engagement of his team are key drivers for Scott’s success. Scott's focus for Quote Bot is building a platform for consumers that allows them to quote, customize and buy life insurance without needing to stop and talk with an agent. He has put his experience to work providing not only a quote process to make this possible, but also providing well-thought-out solutions designed to take the guesswork out of your life insurance planning. To Scott, providing life insurance planning solutions for both personal and business needs is extremely important and his focus is on empowering the consumer to buy what they want without an agent. Aside from his duties with Broker Backoffice, LLC., and Quote Bot, Scott mentors Elementary and Middle School kids through his sports program, helping them develop important life skills, teamwork, and work ethic. Scott is also married and has an amazing wife and three amazing children.

Education Fund: Peace of Mind for Your Child’s Future

College. A four-letter word that can strike fear and dread into the heart of any parent. How will you pay for it? What if something happens to you before your child is ready to go to college? The most cost-efficient answer is a term life insurance plan, which is designed to provide peace of mind [...]

By |2023-02-25T09:11:55-07:00December 21st, 2022|Life Insurance|

Seguro de vida sustitutorio de hipoteca: ¡ya existe!

Ya sabes lo que dicen: "No te lo puedes llevar contigo". Pero PUEDES asegurarte de que tus seres queridos estarán bien atendidos cuando te hayas ido. El Seguro de Vida Sustitutivo de Hipoteca es un seguro diseñado para proteger a su familia de la carga de una hipoteca en caso de fallecimiento. Este tipo de [...]

By |2023-03-17T23:25:57-07:00December 21st, 2022|Seguro de vida|

Mortgage Replacement Life Insurance – It’s a Thing!

You know what they say, “You can’t take it with you.” But you CAN make sure that your loved ones are taken care of after you’re gone. Mortgage Replacement Life Insurance is an insurance policy designed to protect your family from the burden of a mortgage in case of your death. This type of insurance [...]

By |2022-12-21T16:41:49-07:00December 21st, 2022|Life Insurance|

Utilizar el seguro de vida para sustituir ingresos

La sustitución de ingresos es un componente muy valioso de la planificación y resulta especialmente útil en la planificación del seguro de vida. El enfoque de sustitución de ingresos es un método para calcular la cantidad total de dinero que necesitaría hoy para sustituir sus ingresos en caso de fallecimiento. Este planteamiento tiene en cuenta [...]

By |2023-03-17T21:02:18-07:00December 21st, 2022|Seguro de vida|

Using Life Insurance for Income Replacement

Income replacement is a very valuable component of planning and is especially helpful in life insurance planning. The income replacement approach is a method of estimating the total amount of money you would need today to replace your income in the event of death. This approach takes into account factors such as salary and any [...]

By |2023-02-25T10:49:20-07:00December 21st, 2022|Life Insurance|

Planes de Sustitución de Hipoteca: La forma más fácil de proteger a tu familia

¿Qué pasaría si ocurriera algo inesperado y usted no estuviera cerca? ¿Dispone de un plan que proporcione a su familia la seguridad necesaria para saber que su estilo de vida estará cuidado? Puede ser difícil pensar en estas cosas, pero tener un plan de sustitución de la hipoteca es una forma fácil de proteger [...]

By |2023-03-17T23:25:52-07:00December 15th, 2022|Seguro de vida|

Mortgage Replacement Plans: The Easiest Way to Protect Your Family

What would happen if something unexpected were to occur and you weren’t around? Do you have a plan in place that will provide your family with the assurance they need to know that their lifestyle will be taken care of? It can be hard to think about these things, but having a mortgage replacement [...]

By |2022-12-21T16:42:02-07:00December 15th, 2022|Life Insurance|

Amor y seguro de vida: Qué hacer en segundas nupcias

¿Están perdiendo los conductores la capacidad de decidir dónde arreglar sus coches? Eso es lo que creen los defensores del derecho a reparar. Dicen que los fabricantes de automóviles están dificultando cada vez más el acceso de los talleres independientes a los datos de los vehículos que necesitan para hacer su trabajo, lo que obliga a los conductores a depender exclusivamente de los talleres de los concesionarios. Esto podría aumentar el coste de reparar y asegurar los coches.

By |2023-03-17T23:25:51-07:00December 10th, 2022|Seguro de vida|

Love and Life Insurance: What to Do When You’re In a Second Marriage

Are drivers losing the ability to decide where to get their cars fixed? That’s what proponents of right to repair legislation believe. They say automakers are making it increasingly difficult for independent repair shops to access the vehicle data they need to do their jobs, forcing drivers to rely solely on dealer-owned repair shops. This could raise the cost of repairing and insuring cars.

By |2023-02-25T11:11:22-07:00December 10th, 2022|Life Insurance|

Familias de acogida y seguro de vida: Lo que hay que saber

¿Están perdiendo los conductores la capacidad de decidir dónde arreglar sus coches? Eso es lo que creen los defensores del derecho a reparar. Dicen que los fabricantes de automóviles están dificultando cada vez más el acceso de los talleres independientes a los datos de los vehículos que necesitan para hacer su trabajo, lo que obliga a los conductores a depender exclusivamente de los talleres de los concesionarios. Esto podría aumentar el coste de reparar y asegurar los coches.

By |2023-03-17T23:26:07-07:00December 2nd, 2022|Seguro de vida|
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